Email address*
Confirm Email Address*
First Name*
Last Name*
Region (Province/Territory)
Primary Role in Healthcare
Organization or regional health authority
What is your current gender? Gender refers to a person’s internal, felt, and psychological sense of self and understanding of their gender. Only the individual person can determine their gender identity terms and labels***
If you selected that you would like to self-describe, please describe below:
If you selected Other, please describe below:
How did you hear about Canadian Patient Safety Week?
Why are you registering for Canadian Patient Safety Week?
To help us evaluate the impact of Canadian Patient Safety Week, please answer the following questions: 
What comes to mind when you think of healthcare harm?
What is one thing you do to prevent harm and create safer care?

**Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC) is a not-for-profit organization funded primarily by Health Canada. HEC recognizes and deeply respects the diversity of gender identities. We are dedicated to ongoing growth and learning regarding the responsible collection, utilization, and safeguarding of data and information about people. HEC also collects this information as required by our Contribution Agreement with Health Canada due to an increasing focus on gender-based analysis. This data is also reported in an aggregate format across all HEC programming, initiatives, and activities.

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